Monday, October 24, 2011

Students Tour Philbrook Art Museum

Barnsdall's AP Studio Art class and World Literature class toured the world famous Philbrook Art Museum on October 18 taking in the many different cultures the museum has to offer.  Students found the artwork that included works from the early Renaissance, Native American, African, Chinese, and the many other different cultures to be really interesting.

Students also made note of the Italian architecture utilized within the building itself and were totally amazed that the building was actually a home to Waite and Genevieve Phillips, part of the millionaire Phillips family.  
One of the highlights was the tour of the garden area surrounding the museum as waterfalls cascaded down into quite pools swimming with koi.  

Barnsdall students received much praise from the museum curators and from the restaurant personnel for their kindness and respectability the showed.  "Our students were great.  Everyone should be proud of the example they provided as being courteous and respectable to everyone around them," said Mr. Patrick.  "I was really proud of how they acted and the enthusiasm they showed through the entire day." 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome to my new blog

This is my first post to my new blog. I hope this becomes an informative tool to share information with those of you out there who are interested in the happenings of Barnsdall Public Schools.
Barnsdall School Web Site